Art, CRAFT, Homedecor

Time to revisit – Evolution of Handicraft

Handicrafts have a charm of their own. Hard work combined with love and passion for the traditions leads to the creation of the most soulful looking craft work. Man created fire, women played with it very well and it marked the era of evolution that lead to a world which we live in today. Modern times made machinery take over the load of hand work but there are artists who still thrive on the works made by hand, and make us believe that nothing can replace that.


All the countries around the globe have a unique identity of their own. We, the people are responsible for curating and evolving every little thing. We may be divided by boundaries, but the raw traditions keep us connected. Before boundaries separated us, we grew up in harmony and our cultures mixed and mingled with each other. By constant curiosity to learn more and with the act of ‘re-invention’ the artisans have always created something exquisite. This is what binds us. This is definitely something everyone should take pride in.


Firstly, there was fire, then came wood, then came tools, then came colour and along with more of such inventions, evolved carving, an art that still holds a high place. From fire and mud, arises pottery, clay art, don’t you still long for such beautiful show pieces for your home. Then came cloth, lead to canvas, which lead to making of  modern art. Sculptures, paintings, hand looms, everything has come a long long way.



We currently saw the most supreme couture fashion show in India last week, The India Couture Week, which showcased some of the most opulent, drama filled designer outfits. All of them were inspired by cultures around the globe. From Persian, to Parisian to South American, each culture was shown with the Indian twist. That is the same way we have mixed art and cultures from our neighbouring countries and learnt from them.


Not just art works, the hand looms have had rich history. Though in ancient times, we all know that the royals and the commons were divided by the quality of cloth and its design, we have today broken the barriers to quite an extent. With the spread of any piece of information on internet, we have obliged to try out the various apparels all around the world. While westerners strive for the gorgeous sarees we get here, we Indians are equally obsessed with their gowns. Thanks to the rich heritage of handicrafts that we are bonding in a very unique way with our neighbouring cultures.


We at loveknits are here to give you the best art forms , something that you will cherish for life. To indulge in these beautiful heritage art.

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