Coco Chanel once said, “A girl should be two things, Classy and Fabulous”. We hardly doubt this fact, so when anything that is classy and fabulous in case of jewellery has to be worn, the one thing that comes to our mind is the intricate beads. Now women may own strands of pearls and beads to flaunt off, but when young minds take vintage and traditional patterns into their hands, the outcome is on another level of ‘phenomenon’. Such is the story of our young jewellery lovers turned entrepreneurs: Shriya and Eesha.
While getting to know each other, we got an insight of the meaning of their brand name Omoya. Omoya is a Zulu word for air, soul and spirit. It pretty much summarizes the uniqueness of their jewellery which embodies joy, force and vitality into every woman. The intricate pieces of art are made of Delica beads, manufactured in Japan which are cylindrical in shape, of uniform size and cut making it spell ‘perfection and ‘neatness’ in all angles. These jewellery pieces are completely hand crafted and require immense concentration and brain-storming to make each one look absolutely gorgeous and worth a ‘run for money’. The best thing about the OMOYA jewellery is they can be worn with both western and ethnic outfits for a casual outing or a formal one, thus making it a very versatile possession of yours.
Though these young souls are still on their initial steps on the ladder of success, they have decided to train a group of small town girls to make these intricate pieces and then watch themselves grow from this step. Now if that’s not a amazing deed that should be bought on our platform to the world around, what would be?
(All pictures taken from OMOYA Facebook Page)
You too can adorn these beautiful masterpieces and look different and stylish.
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