
Spellbound by Pine Lanterns

pine lanterns coverCopyrights reserved with loveknits.org


A tall pine tree ages with changing seasons, which transforms into furniture and paper. Who could have told that a family would revolutionize its use? Ms. Juhi Verma and her father conceptualized to use the translucent nature of annular rings formed in the trunk of a pine tree to metamorphose into mesmerising lamps.


Mr. J.K. VermaTheir story was an indulging experience on its own. Mr. J.K. Verma was making pine furniture for his beloved daughter, who wished to have her new home after marriage be filled and decorated with her father’s work. While shaping wood for a particular piece on a bright sunny day he coincidentally stumbled upon the translucent behaviour of a carved out piece. Captivated by the light reflecting into the wooden piece he said “imagine if the sun could always shine into it like this” and then their journey began.They used heart pine’s annular rings to make artistic lamps and light shades. Today they have incorporated mindblowing designs to this innovative use of pine wood. The father-daughter duo design eye catching chandeliers, lamps, wall lights,etc. The family works together and plans to make this idea into a cherished art form. On the professional each of the family members work for various organisations but their heart and soul functions around this art form.

Flower vase Lantern    

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The products range from over 12cm to 100cm high in various shapes and designs. They enjoy customisation and work with their team of eleven carpenters to make these come to life. The exciting part of the design is that it can take the form of fire or a soldier’s helmet or a snail’s shell. One could fall in love with the beauty of its curvature or be awestruck by the idea of watching light come through the barks. They have showcased a major paradigm shift in contemporary use of pinewood in an innovative manner. Pine art is turning tables with the story of the Verma family.Sometimes the most saturated uses of things can also find an artistic outlet. It’s all about the eye for such detail and experiences and suddenly our world has so much more to offer.


long vase lamp lion lantern

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